WW1 Belgium Yser Cross WW1 Belgium Yser Cross WW1 Belgium Yser Cross WW1 Belgium Yser Cross

WW1 Belgium Yser Cross

The Yser Cross was issued as a replacement to the earlier Yser Medal upon application and payment of a fee, consequently, relatively few were issued as few veterans wanted to trade in their medal, and even fewer wanted to pay the fee.

On the 16th October 1914 the German III reserve corps began attacking the Belgian outposts east of the Yser. These were the opening moves of a concerted effort by the Germans to break through and turn the northern flank of the allied front held by the Belgian army - which was positioned from the coast at Nieuport to Ypres via Dixmude, along the line of the Yser canal. Bitter fighting ensued along the whole front for many days but the Belgians led by their King Albert held their ground -at a cost - 60,000 men became casualties, one third their strength. This medal commemorates the Belgian "Battle of the Yser."

The Medal was instituted on the 18th October 1918 for award to those who had fought along the Yser river between 17th - 31st October 1914. The medal could be awarded posthumously, and to Allied soldiers who would qualify under the same conditions as the Belgians. A decree of 5th February 1934 gave the medal the new title of "Yser Cross" and a further decree of 22 August 1934 instituted the new design.

Code: 242

195.00 AUD