British Kabul to Khandahar Star 1881 British Kabul to Khandahar Star 1881 British Kabul to Khandahar Star 1881

British Kabul to Khandahar Star 1881

Engraved on the reverse "Sepoy Anirudar Thapa 5th Goorkha Regt".

5th Gurkha Regiment (Hazara Gurkha Battalion)
Commanded by Lt. Colonel A. Fitz-Hugh. The 5th Gurkhas joined Roberts' Kuram Field Force at Thal from Abbottabad in October 1878. They were involved in the attack on the Peiwar Kotal and the reconnaissance of the Shutagardan. The regiment was part of the force attacked by the Mangals at the Sapiri Defile. Wintering in the Kuram Valley, the Gurkhas formed part of Sir Cavagnari's escort as far as the Shutagardan in July 1879. When his murder initiated the second campaign the Gurkhas marched to Kushi and then on to Kabul, fighting at Charasiab on the way. The 5th Gurkhas were stationed at the Bala Hissar when the Amir's armoury exploded there on 16th October. During December they were involved in readying Sherpur for the winter, as well as fighting actions at Karez Mir, the Chardeh Valley, Takht-i-Shah and the defence of the cantonment. May and June 1880 saw them in the Logar and Wardak valleys and then the march to Kandahar in August and the crowning victory against Ayub Khan on 1st September. In October it was involved in MacGregor's operations against the Marri before it returned to Abbottabad on 7th December.

Code: 520

450.00 AUD